Consider Supporting the Crucial Work of PSA

November 22, 2023

This giving season, we hope you take a moment to reflect on the importance of peace, security, and collaboration in shaping our shared future. We invite you to consider supporting the crucial work of Partnership for a Secure America (PSA).

Founded on the principle of bipartisanship and comity in national security affairs, and following the leadership of Lee Hamilton and the late Warren Rudman, PSA’s programs have prospered and broadened, bringing together Congressional staff of all political persuasions. The relevance and importance of our work is critical. The bipartisan relationship-building and professional development that PSA programs foster provides a meaningful impact.

We hope you will consider PSA in your policy-related philanthropy—you can trust that we will put every penny to good purpose, with low overhead and excellent reach.

We are looking for partners to help PSA continue programming and support our internship program. Part of PSA’s mission is to provide a platform for a new generation of leaders, dedicated to service and public policy. We want to ensure that the next generation of public servants has the tools they need to be effective in their careers, having seen with their own eyes the importance of bipartisanship in action. It does little good to lament political divisions without considering where public policy can be bridged in the service of American interests and values. 

Any generosity, whether through your time, ideas, or monetarily, is invaluable. We are a good investment.

How can you contribute?

·      Share the PSA mission: Help raise awareness about PSA's important work by sharing their mission with your professional networks. By amplifying their message, we can engage more individuals in this vital cause.

·      Make a financial contribution: Every donation, regardless of size, makes a tangible impact. Your support will help fund PSA's programs, initiatives, and bipartisan activities, enabling them to continue their important work in advancing national security. You can direct a check to Partnership for a Secure America at 110 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 311, Washington DC 20002. You can also donate through the PSA website; the home page has a “donate” button in the top right corner, or go directly to

·      Offer your expertise: If you possess skills or expertise that could benefit Partnership for a Secure America, consider volunteering your time or contributing your knowledge to their various projects and initiatives. Your involvement can make a meaningful difference in shaping effective policies.

With our best wishes and continued gratitude for supporting our shared mission.

John Sullivan
Executive Director
Partnership for a Secure America